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Editor &

Writing Coach

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Hi, I'm JoAnn Sky--multi-genre award-winning author, screenwriter, writing coach and editor, and owner of the publishing company Dogs & Books. I've been writing and editing for over 20 years and love helping fellow authors reach their writing goals. Looking for an editor? Need help developing a concept? Or maybe you're looking for someone to help you keep on track with your writing goals? I can help! Click here for more information about my editing services.

I also offer various workshops and courses on writing and self-editing . Click here for a current listing of upcoming events and online classes .


I firmly believe books have the power to build connections... and animals do, too! I especially have a soft spot for older rescue dogs. They are the most overlooked, underappreciated gifts of goodness in the world.  That's why I started Dogs & Books, a publishing company for my children's books. It all began with the true story of our first rescue dog. He was a very special dog. In fact, rumor has it this dog was sent to us by Santa!  Read more about it here.

Take some time to "sniff" around.  There's lots going on. To stay up-to-date on what's happening, please sign up for my newsletter: Click Here.  Enjoy your visit ~ and thanks for stopping by!

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Looking for an Editor or a Writing Coach?

Do you need help shining up an almost-finished masterpiece? Do you have a project in mind but don't know where to start? I can help!

I am a multi-genre published author and certified copy editor who has been writing and editing professionally for over 20 years. 

Fiction ~ Non-fiction ~ Academic ~ Business/Self-help

BECAUSE You never get a second CHANCE at a first impression!

Romance Books by JoAnn Sky

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Want a sneak peek? Click Here to read Chapter One!

Children's Books by JoAnn Sky

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Interested in an Author Visit?

I'd love to work with you!

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