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I’ve taken writing classes and attended writers’ conferences since the 90s, from improv and stand-up comedy to novel and script writing.  JoAnn Sky’s online course, Ready Set Story! is one of the best I’ve ever seen.  The videos are lively, short and to the point.  The material is well-organized and easy to follow.  If you’re having trouble reining in your novel, this course will help you do that, no matter what kind of writer you are – plotter or pantser.  (I’m personally a bit of both.)  I highly recommend Ready Set Story!  You can’t go wrong.  – Maria Cardenas

Click here for more testimonials!

Read Set Story! From Idea to Story in 6 Days

A step-by-step, self-paced, online plotting course for all levels. Develop your idea into a story and get ready to write the first draft!

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Why Editing is Important


If you’ve written a book and have reached the point of looking for an editor—congratulations! Writing a book is a huge accomplishment! Now you want to make sure your book is in its best possible shape prior to publication.

(If you're in the process of writing a book and looking for a coach -- or have an idea but need help getting started -- click here!)

Let’s be honest: It’s really hard to objectively edit your own work. A second set of eyes—of someone who’s emotionally removed from the project—helps ensure clarity and cohesion of ideas and can also help identify areas of improvement (and offer suggestions to fix them!) to strengthen the plot, the characters, and the structure of the work.


Why is editing important? Because you never get a second chance at a first impression!

If you're ready to move forward, Click Here!


Why Choose Me as your Editor?


I am a multi-genre published, award-winning and best-selling author who has been writing and editing professionally for years. I am also a certified copyeditor. I have experience with editing both fiction (adult and children’s/middle grade) and non-fiction (self-help, business and academic). I have a particular affection for middle grade, adult mainstream fiction and self-help, though I also have experience with romance, fantasy, children's picture books, and a variety of non-fiction writing, including business material (I'm a recovering business executive with expertise in finance).

I love working with fellow authors of all genres and offer different levels of editing, depending on an author’s need. I will be direct and honest. I will point out the wonderful things about your work and also the areas where you might improve. I know that receiving critiques can be tough, and I will be as gentle as possible while offering suggestions on how to improve your story.


Do you have a project in mind but aren't sure how to start? Do you need help shining up an almost-finished masterpiece? I can help! 

How the Editing Process Works  


I will start by reviewing your project and then if your timeline works with my schedule, I will offer you a short sample edit from pages you send using Track Changes and the Comments feature in Microsoft Word. This editing sample will give you an idea of what to expect from my editing services. If you choose not to utilize my services, the sample is yours to keep.

If we decide to move forward together, I will schedule a 15-min consultation will you and then offer a proposal for services, which will include pricing and deadlines. I use Microsoft Word’s Track Changes and Comments features and will return edits directly on the manuscript you provide.  


After the engagement is complete, if you'd like, I will schedule another 15-min consultation to discuss any questions you might have about my edits and comments. This consultation would occur several days to one week after you've received my final edits. I firmly believe that time to absorb the comments and think about them helps in the editing process.

Editing Services I Offer

Not all editing projects are created equally. Some jobs required in-depth content development edits while others may only need a survey of big picture issues and some copy-edits. For this reason, my pricing is always dependent on the project, which I need to see before I can quote. Given all that, the pricing listed below is generally the range of what you should expect.


Unless otherwise noted, all of my pricing assumes that a page is 250 words (essentially, double-spaced 12-pt font).

​Comprehensive Edit: Substantive (Developmental Content) Editing with Line/Copy Editing 

I have found that most authors are looking for a combination of developmental editing and line editing. I have also found that I end up doing line editing even when tasked with only a developmental edit. (I can't stop myself!)  For this reason, I decided to stop fighting nature and offer a combination.


This service will include overall big picture issues, character development, and plot review, including credibility/believability and plot hole fixing. Additionally, it will include paragraph reorganizing, scene structure, showing vs. telling, light reformatting, and checks for point of view, pacing, consistency, style, wording, transitions and sentence structure.  Lastly, it will correct grammar and punctuation. My edits along with most of my notes will be provided within the manuscript using Word’s Track Changes and Comments features. Additionally, with this service I will also provide a brief report (1 to 3 pages) on the general merits and areas of improvement of the manuscript.

  • Pricing: $0.055 to $0.09 per word, one pass. (Per word pricing may be reduced for larger projects > 60,000 words or increased for smaller chapter book projects.)

  • To give you an idea of what this means, a typical 20,000-word middle-grade novel would range from $1,100 to $1,800.


JoAnn Sky was the third editor to review my work... What I received back was accurate, insightful, and encouraging, but most importantly, far more useful than my first two responses... I can’t thank her enough for what she was able to do to take my work to a higher level, and I can say without any doubt that you will feel the same.

Daniel Jude Miller

Author and Illustrator

Click here to read Dan's full review!

Who does an editor go to when her own book needs to be edited? No question—JoAnn Sky. Her knowledge and understanding of all aspects of the writing process, along with her deep insightfulness into what it takes to make a good story even better, make JoAnn the perfect choice. She has the unique ability to offer suggestions for improvement, while keeping the story in the author’s voice. All that, and she’s a pleasure to work with!


Bobbie Hinman, Author and Editor

How to Master the Art of Writing a Children’s Book

JoAnn's feedback made my book better and made me look smarter! She solved structural problems and caught silly mistakes, and my book is a much smoother read as a result.

Jim Monroe, Author 

How to Stop Hiring Lousy Managers

The journey of writing can be a difficult struggle, and a good editor to help you along the way is a priority for all writers. I am so, so lucky to have had Ms. Sky to stand by me and make my book what it is today. She gave clear and thorough suggestions on my manuscript and improved it step by step. She was understanding and patient in the process which makes her the best editor I’ve ever worked with during my publishing journey.

Adam Musselmani, Author

VIP Fruits

Line/Copy Editing only 

Sometimes authors have already gone through extensive revisions and content editing and are now looking *only* for line and copy editing.  Big picture issues--such as plotting, character arcs, and story structure--are not reviewed, as these would be developmental/content editing. Sometimes authors believe they need a line/copy edit when they actually need developmental editing. For this reason, I review the manuscript in full before I agree to a line/copy edit only.

  • Pricing: $0.035 to $0.07 per word, one pass. (Per word pricing may be reduced for large projects or increased for smaller chapter book projects.)

  • To give you an idea of what this means, a typical 20,000-word middle-grade novel would range from $700 to $1,400.

Children’s Book Editing 

This service includes a review of the overall story for structure, character development, and plot, as well as checks for pacing, consistency, wording, cadence, sentence structure, and rhyming (if applicable), and a copy-edit. 

  • Pricing: $300 for stories up to 1000 words, one pass. If you have a longer children’s book, let’s discuss!

Writing Coach 

Need help focusing your writing energy or organizing your ideas? How about someone to guide you in your plot work? Whether you have a work-in-progress or are starting with a blank page, I can provide guidance and feedback on your writing. 

  • Pricing: Project-based pricing. Let's chat!

Other Projects

I am happy to chat with you about other editing services, including synopsis writing/editing, cover letter writing/editing, business plan writing/editing, or coaching services to help keep you on track with your writing goals.  Please reach out to me at and send me a brief description of what you would like help with, and we will set up a 15-min consultation.  



Payment Terms

A 50% deposit is due at the start of the engagement, with the balance due before manuscripts are sent at close of contract. I prefer to use PayPal for payments, but will accept a check, though it may slow our start time a bit.  

How to Start the Editing Process


Once you are ready to begin the editing process, email me at with the particulars of your project:

  • Genre

  • Short description of your project

  • For children's books: what is the age group you are targeting, and what is the message you wish your story to convey?

  • Length (number of words)

  • Type of editing service you are interested in

  • Your anticipated timeline


I will get back to you as soon as possible, generally within 48 hours, to schedule a consultation.

I look forward to working with you!

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